Cat Profile

To complete the Cat Profile, please copy and paste the questions below into an e-mail. 

Send the e-mail to:

Your name:

Today's date:

Home phone:

Work phone:

Cell phone:

Work Extension:



State: Zip:


Can you keep the cat until they are adopted?

Cat's name:

Cat's gender:

Cat's description:


Weight (pounds):


Reason you are giving up the Cat:

Ideal adoptive home: (please include whether or not your cat is ok around other dogs, cats, and children)

Veterinarian's name:

Veterinarian's phone number:

Date of most recent vet visit?

Is the cat spayed or neutered?

Vaccination dates:

FIV/Leukemia testing dates:

FIV/Leukemia testing results:

Does the cat have any old injuries or health problems?  If yes, please describe.

Current health concerns?

Does the cat need any medication or special diet?  If yes, please describe.

What is the cat's feeding schedule: (Fed in AM, fed in PM, free fed, etc)

What do you feed the cat?

How long have you had the cat?

Where was the cat acquired?

How much of the time is the cat outside?

How much of the time is the cat inside?

Where did you leave the cat when you were gone on vacation?

Is the cat litterbox trained?

If there are litterbox problems, has the cat been seen by a vet to rule out physical issues?

Internal use only

RCHS tag number:

RCHS representative comments:

RCHS representative who talked to you: