A Second Chance for MJ
Post date: Dec 1, 2013 10:10:59 PM
A very happy and photogenic MJ. (Kellie Lewis Photography)
In early 2013, we were contacted about a pit bull girl named MJ. She had been picked up by animal control in a town with breed ban legislation and was scheduled to be euthanized. MJ promptly won the vet over with her super sweet personality and instead of euthanizing, her the vet contacted Riley County Humane Society to pick her up.
MJ initially needed medical attention for her fractured back leg, which her previous owner had taken half measures to fix. After taking x-rays to see if the leg could be amputated we learned that her other back leg was out of it's socket and had been that way for quite some time. This leg had healed outside of it's socket and could no longer be put back into place. At this point, MJ's fractured leg has healed as well as it can but the leg that is out of it's socket needs expensive surgery to remove the part of her femur that is grinding bone on bone with her pelvis. This will give MJ the best chance to use both of her back legs with as little pain and potential complications as possible.
MJ is as sweet a girl as she could be. Throughout all of the pain and changes and new people in her life in the past year she has been nothing but trusting and loving to everyone she has met. Let's show her some humans are worthy of that trust and love! Please help us give MJ her second chance.
To donate to MJ's medical care, visit: http://www.payitsquare.com/collect-page/21226