2018 Elections
Each year RCHS warmly invites and sincerely welcomes nominations and applications for all volunteer positions; this includes all positions on the Board of Directors.
The Process
Please carefully read the position descriptions by clicking on the links below. If you are concerned that you would not be able to fulfill all the responsibilities set out in a position description, consider that you may be able to partner with another volunteer to get the job done. If you are concerned that you do not have all the knowledge or qualifications expected for a position, we may be able to help you grow into the fulfillment of those expectations by close partnership with a more experienced member or volunteer.
All board and coordinator positions require membership in RCHS. If you would like to become a member of RCHS you can do so here.
Members interested in Board positions (the Executive Committee and the Chair positions of the remaining five committees) may nominate themselves by sending an email to the RCHS Secretary:alicia@rchsks.org. You may also nominate another member to a Board position in the same way.
Please do not be shy to put yourself forward. We hope always to have co-chairs, co-coordinators, and many volunteers in order to maximize the impact RCHS has on what is too often a matter of life or death for animals in our community.
Nominations must be received no later than January 28, and must be signed by at least 5 voting members.
Board elections will be held at the RCHS Annual Meeting on February 12, 2018.
Executive Committee
The chief executive officer of the Organization. They preside at all meetings of the Board and of the Organization. They are Chairman of the Board and a member, ex officio, of all other committees.
In the absence or disability of the President the Vice-President performs the duties of the President and acts in their stead.
The Secretary shall give due notice of the time and place of all meetings, preserve the record of the proceedings of the Organization and perform such other duties as usually are expected of such officer.
The Treasurer has charge and custody of the financial records of the Organization. They have the authority to act on behalf of the organization in financial matters.
The Executive Assistant shall advise on overall strategy and operations for all program areas and perform such other duties as usually are expected of such officer.
Foster and Adoption Committee
Cat Foster and Adoption Chair/Co-Chair
Coordinate and supervise the RCHS cat foster and adoption program to promote the humane mission of RCHS and ensure that RCHS cats are safe and well cared for until they are placed in permanent and loving homes
Dog Foster and Adoption Chair/Co-Chair
Coordinate and supervise the RCHS dog foster and adoption program to promote the humane mission of RCHS and ensure that RCHS dogs are safe and well cared for until they are placed in permanent and loving homes
Exotics Foster and Adoption Chair/Co-Chair
To facilitate the adoption of “exotic” animals, such as rabbits, gerbils, rats, hamsters, etc., and to ensure that RCHS exotics are safe and well cared for until they are placed in permanent and loving homes
To ensure that RCHS is informed of any problems in the adoption/post-adoption process. To ensure RCHS animals are successfully adjusting in their new homes. To increase the likelihood that RCHS animals become permanent additions in their new homes. To enhance community good will toward RCHS
Pet Store Care-and-Comfort Chair
To organize volunteers to provide high quality socialization and care for the cats and kittens at the RCHS/Petco & Pet Smart Adoption Centers in Manhattan KS.
To coordinate and supervise transport of all dogs and cats for Riley County Humane Society.
Coordinate and supervise medical and veterinary treatment for all animals within RCHS to promote the RCHS mission of improving the lives of companion animals through adoption, education, and support.
Volunteer & Membership Committee
Coordinate, develop and supervise the volunteer programs of the RCHS in order to promote the humane mission of RCHS and ensure that RCHS animals are safe and well cared for until they are placed in permanent and loving homes
Serve as a liaison between RCHS and current/new members and the community, and increase the organization’s membership, gift, sponsorship, and annual giving revenues in order to promote the humane mission of RCHS and ensure that RCHS animals are safe and well cared for until they are placed in permanent and loving homes
Fundraising & Outreach Committee
Communications and Marketing Chair
To manage internal and external communications, protocols and projects. The coordinator will also work with the community outreach coordinator to ensure and promote community understanding of the specific role and identity of RCHS within the context of the rescue community and local government.
To maintain, enhance and promote the favorable public image and the mission of RCHS in the local community and outlying areas by coordinating events and seeking opportunities for recognition.
Fundraising & Events Chair/Co-Chair
Increase the organization’s non-membership revenues in order to promote the humane mission of RCHS and ensure that RCHS animals are safe and well cared for until they are placed in permanent and loving homes
Public Relations and Community Outreach Chair
To maintain, enhance and promote the favorable public image and the mission of RCHS in the local community and outlying areas by coordinating events and seeking opportunities for recognition. The coordinator will also ensure clear community understanding of the specific role and identity of RCHS within the context of the rescue community and local government.
Cruelty & Welfare Committee
Cruelty & Welfare Chair/Co-Chair
To promote the empathy and respect for other beings that is essential to a compassionate and just society, and to improve the health and living conditions of animals in our community
Humane Education Committee
Humane Education Chair/Co-Chair
To promote the humane mission of the Riley County Humane Society by teaching students and the community that empathy and respect for other beings is essential in a compassionate and just society. Responsible pet ownership and proper veterinary care of all animals is essential.